Debbie Els Vs Karma


Debbie Els Vs Karma

Wel Debbie laat ons nou sommer reguit wees met mekaar….
Jy het niks uitgevind oor sake teen jou nie, jy was om een of ander rede by `n Polisiestasie en het toe weer hierdie slinkse idee gekry om `n video te maak want jy is bankrot en niks kom in na jou mislukte pogings om Interdikte teen ons te kry en jy nog daardie kostes ook moet dek so swaai maar sommer `n koekblik by die volgende Robotte.
Ek het geweet dat jy na jou Politieke mislukking waar jy meer donasies in `n blikkie gekry het as om stemme te werf jy weer met een of ander slinkse poging vorendag gaan kom om te begin bedel vir donasies en hier is die afskop nou.
Karma het jou hard gebliksem as ek so na jou voorkoms kyk en as ek `n voorspelling moet maak is dit dat dat jy wel nie in `n Hof gaan verskyn op die BEDROG KLAGTE teen jou nie want jy gaan binnekort groet as jy nie om verskoning vra voor jou Maker nie.
Kom ons hou dop wat die eerste gaan wees, dalk `n geldjie vir siviele eise teen ons of gaan die verskillende siektes weer skielik opvlam en dan moet jy vir Biopsies en allehande dieet inspuitings gaan.
Hou maar die kommentaar dop op hierdie pos want hier kom weer `n Debbie Arnelda Campbell Els ding of twee.
Ek wonder wat se sy nou oor haar Advokaat Hannes Lottering na sy kak raad om ons Hof toe te wou sleep.

Liewe Aarde en my woorde is skaars koud en daar begin die skimpe na geld.
00Debbs, tandepasta en `n borsel is `n baie goeie middel ipv dieet pille vir jou dogter soos op `n voorskrif bewys was deur Carte Blanche waarvoor jy geld gebedel het vir 4/5 soorte kanker en biopsies.

Schalk van der Merwe
Special Warning:
Scammer aka Debbie Els.
I have reported extensively on this indivudual previously. She was formerly involved as “activist” in any and all “cause” that caught the public’s attention at that giving time. She would then garner donations and gifts, later even a vehicle, on the back of her “public work”.
Later years, she was exposed by a group of citizens, unrelated to me, and criminal charges brought against her for inter alia claiming she had cancer and was taking donations for that and claimimg that she became lame after alleged “police brutality” (Both these has been years ago).
She attempted to interdict same citizens, by court order for exposing her further, but suffered a loss with a costs order, when the court eventually rejected her application.
Since then her “political career” as candidate (for a micro-party in the Western Cape) also came to an end, when voters rejected her at the polls in a municipal election.
Recently she gained ground again, with the “Joshlin” incident. She was purporting that somehow she was involved, a trick also played on the public by a few other “child activists” and “child advocates”. Police warned at some point that this wholesale disregard for privacy and the police investigation, actually caused tremendous damage to the ongoing search for the child, and for administering of justice.
I suspected that Els, would start with a new campaign to garner public donations.
Yesterday, Els made it to a police station in the Cape Flats. She entered and made a video purporting that she asked the uniform member about all her “thousands of cases”. According to her, him and another member “sitting behind the computor”, confirmed she had “nothing against her name”. However nothing of this happened on video. In fact, she was even trying to video two members without being seen by them.
That she is not being investigated, is blatant nonsence. She claims that no charges against her exists, but in her application to get the citizens gagged by court, this became the central issue.
There are indeed various dockets for fraud aganist Debbie Els. The case was with the NPA for decision for some time, but unfortunately the state advocate handling the case faced a non-renewal of the service level contract (non-related to the case) and meanwhile, the case had to be handed to the new advocate. The dockets are extensive and the new prosecutor had a huge back log of cases as it were. Decision to prosecute is still pending.
Please under no circumstances fall for this seasoned scammer. She knows how to play the public and how to garner support by playing victim. The most effective way of countering her , was to make the public aware and cut off her funding sources. Please assist by continuing on this path.

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